Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Choo's Assignment


1. Punch Master:
- short range attack
- flexible attack
- can block and cautch things

2. Kick Master:
- long range attack
- slow attack
- unstable

3. Weapon Master:
- short and long range attack
- don't feel pain
- very pain attack


kick master will success to attack the punch master because long range attack better than short range attack

Punch master will success avoid the weapon master attack because the punch master can hold/avoid the weapon attack

weapon master will easy to win the kick master because the kick master's leg feel pain than the weapon

weapon master will easy to attack the punch master because long range attack better than short range attack

Punch master will success avoid the Kick master attack because the punch master can hold/avoid the kick attack

kick master will easy avoid the weapon master to attack because he can use his leg run away.

Uh, This Is My REAL Assignment...

Once upon a time, during the Ching dynasty, there was a village named Ni Shu Chun in Fo San, province of GuangZhou. In it, there lived 3 people who rivalled each other - namely Se Lang, a barbaric guy, Na Ying, a sissy fellow, and Xie Mei, the prettiest girl in the whole village.

- Character Description -

Se Lang

+ Loves drinking (can take in huge amounts)
+ Goes berserk when enough wine is consumed
- Perverted - he is rendered useless when a beauty is in sight
= Can defeat Na Ying easily, but rendered useless when encounters Xie Mei

Na Ying

+ He is weak, but he has the potential in performing the Drunken Fist
+ Hates bullies (and that includes girls as well)
- Loves drinking but unfortunately, easily drunk... can't take in too much wine
= Can defeat Xie Mei easily, but gets lots of bruises from Se Lang

Xie Mei

+ A VERY pretty girl, was rumored of causing downfalls of most families in the locals
+ Scheming and also a bully, nicknamed "Scorpian Woman"
- Very weak, even a dog will frighten her easily
= Tortures Se Lang with ease, but Na Ying is a pain in the butt to her

So Se Lang can defeat Na Ying with his bashes, Na Ying can defeat Xie Mei with his finger poking, and Xie Mei can mesmerize Se Lang with her beauty, rendering him useless.

Ni Shu Village was also renowned for it's production of the legendary Zui Xian wine. And this wine was also the cause of the rivalry, when Na Ying and Xie Mei were arguing over a bottle of wine. Then Se Lang, who naturally sided the pretty Xie Mei, scared Na Ying away with his brute strength. Se Lang wasn't the type of man Xie Mei prefer, but she found that he can be manipulated easily...

- Effects of the Zui Xian wine towards the characters -

Se Lang

+ Will grow berserk, and becomes sort of a psychotic pervert... scaring Xie Mei away

Na Ying

+ Will activate his Drunken Fist, beating the crap out of Se Lang

Xie Mei

+ Uses a lot of wine to make Na Ying drunk, crippling his conscience

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


今天来个大反常 , 用华文来写吧 !

这几日都属于在专心状态内 , 什么事都尽量尽全力所为吧 。不能怪啦 ,因为这几日都有那么多东西要忙 , 就连平时我那贪玩的本性也不知飞到哪里去了 。

也许是被近日看的连续剧影响吧 ,得到的灵感也不小吧 。 人人都想出人头地 , 想要财名兼得 , 最起码都要在这一世做个成功的人 。 可是要成功 , 最终还是要靠 " 努力 " 这两个字啦 。

但是 , 不是每个人都可以成功的 , 因为有很多外在的因素挡住了成功之道 , 而且这些因素大都不是在我们掌控之中 。 所以 , 有些人就选择了一些所谓的快道, 快捷之道是也 。可是 , 这些快道大都是一些不正之路 , 都是害人利己的行为 。

近日听说一位友人参加了直销这行业 。 他参加的那一家公司规定每一位新会员都必须缴付庞大的会员费 , 而他就为了这一行生意而花光了自己以前工作时所得到的薪金 。 如果说这是一项投资 , 我倒觉得这像是乘着一艘破烂的船寻找黄金岛 , 九死一生 。 就因为听了一些好听的话 , 看到一些人士靠着这一条路而争取到一些成就, 就决定抱着 " 冒险就能得到宝 " 这种心理来干这种生意 , 这样未免太冲动了吧 。 这种生意一点保险都没有 , 如果万一失败的话 , 不仅付出的钱财与汗血一去无返 , 而且还可能落入债台高筑的下场 。 曾经看到在报纸上所报道的新闻 , " 中学生参与直销 生意失败欠巨债 " , 意示着天下没有白吃的午饭啊 !

说到底 , 最终还是只能靠自己的努力来垦开自己的成功之道呀 。 那位朋友 , 如果你正好读着我写的这些东西的话 , 在下只能以四句奉劝 -

临悬勒马方尚早 ,一错再错难回头 ;
若今醒觉未算迟 ,坠落忏悔已太晚 。

朋友 , 记切 ,记切 !

Spamming, not Ad Spamming this time...

Found this Juicy Fruit loving park ranger posting comments on a couple of my friends' blogs. Judging from his StatCounter, I think he had managed to spam his way into a quarter of the blogging world. Here's the site - http://juicyfruiter.blogspot.com

Oh yeah here goes one of his comment that I found...

damaris694ariana said...

damn good blog, check out mine http://juicyfruiter.blogspot.com, comments always welcome!

And now here comes the problem... there's a huge contradiction there, because his readers ain't allowed to post any comments. Nope, no comments link at all.

And judging from his blog, we can see how 'efficient' the Richmond Park Rangers are at performing their tasks, thanks to their desperately-needing-attention-towards-self-blog-park-ranger-role-model. Oh please, go back to the woods and stick with your life, buddy.

Update: How many profiles does this park ranger has? Check this out...

shelby321kwame said...

damn good blog, check out mine http://juicyfruiter.blogspot.com, comments always welcome!

Something's wrong... really, really wrong...

Blog Ad Spam

Oh yeah, we're under attack.

Blogger, don't just stand there, do SOMETHING ! There are users who created accounts for the sole purpose of SPAMMING ADS INSIDE THE FREAKING COMMENTS !!!

The Comments ain't some silly place for free advertisements, it's a FEEDBACK OF THE READERS TO THE POST. Anything OTHER than proper comments are NOT allowed. PERIOD.

Ah rats, those people won't even bother reading this post. Screw them and their life. Ah, I forgot, they don't even have a life. How pathetic.

Monday, August 22, 2005

I'm a Cube...

Yes, I ended up as this...

I am a d6

Take the quiz at dicepool.com

Kinda describes me >.<

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

La Finale

"We bring you the latest news update. 2 people were killed in a traffic accident that occured at..." - crack -

Finally, he woke up, the squeaking radio disturbing his long slumber. The pain in his head stung like a needle that drives through him mercilessly. Adding to it, the afternoon sun penetrated through the dirty windows with the badly-torn curtains, through the dusty air - and into his eyes. Took him a minute or two before he could see anything clearly.

He didn't know how long he had slept, all he remembered was he kept drinking until he lost his consciousness. He didn't even remember his dreams, but he felt dried tears on his cheeks.

Who cares now anyway ? He walked to the washroom, and through the broken mirror he saw the once-brilliant young man, a young chap who had hope and a bright future, and now, he looked no different than someone who lived in the slums. Unshaven for days, uncombed hair, and weary eyes.

Aye, he was ruined. Jealousy, from the people who disliked what he has achieved, and set him up to destroy him. Ignorance, of his ex-employer, who used to look up upon his talents, but now resembles nothing more than a fool, easily-deceived and settled matters according to his emotions.

WHY ? WHY ?!

What did he do to deserve this, this kind of TREATMENT?

Not only did he lost his career, but also his car, house, all his money, and the one he treasured the most - his fiancee, who left him even though he pleaded to her desperately.


The whole thing was a set-up ! That night, that TREACHEROUS night, his colleagues held a party celebrating his promotion. Never did he knew it was part of the darkest plot that was going to overthrow him. He didn't suspect the presence of his employer's young beautiful wife that night, thinking that she'd like to join the fun. Neither was he aware that the drink he had has been spiked by unseen hands. The next thing he knew, he awoke on the bed, next to the woman that he wasn't supposed to touch...

Words spread quickly like the fire in the dry bushes. That very same day, he lost his job, his fiancee, and almost all the things he owned - no, most of it had been placed under her name a week ago before THAT happened...

There's nothing left for him now. There's nothing else he can do now. He was RUINED. RUINED. RUINED...

This will be the last day in the shabby apartment he had rented, for now that tiny amount of money he had had been spent. He could have stayed on for maybe a month with that amount, but he decided not to. Instead, he bought something else...

Some alcohol to drink out his sorrows, a roll of adhesive tape, a box of matches, some rope, and a knife. But most of the money went to the package of industry-strength trinitrotoluene - enough to take out a small building.

He started to assemble them, using his limited knowledge of making fireworks - when he was young, he adored fireworks and often made them for the fun of it, and of course, was punished most of the time by his late mother.

He had no father - he only knew his mother used to be in love with a wretch who ran away with his mistress. Despite that, she managed to raise her only son, singlehanded, until he graduated from university. But for that, she paid the toll for it - cancer took her life away, the day he was about to tell her that he got his first job.


The moment he snapped back to reality, cheeks wet, he had completed his final masterpiece. A beauty. A beauty that robs others for their beauty. And THAT, will be his final vengeance.

He dried his face and strapped the device onto his body, and covering it up with a jacket. Then, he took the last swig from his bottle, and walked out of that shabby place, with the radio playing some heavy metal music.

An hour later, the radio cracked and the music was interrupted.

"We interrupt to bring you the latest news. About half an hour ago, an explosion caused by a suicide bomber occured in the XX Towers... " - crack - " ... it was believed that this is not an organized attack..." - the radio fell dead.
