Seriously, it's been a hell while since I blogged. Dunno why, but it occured to me that I had nothing much to blog about for the past few weeks.
Heck, the only thing worth mentioning is some slight upgrade in my PC - which actually helped me a hell lot, since we're talking a 'slight' upgrade from 256 to 768 MB of RAM. Yeah, my PC's that lousy - until now. *grins evillish*
Perhaps that's one of the few things that I had to write down here, but actually in my real life, I'm actually having fun watching silly people running their silly little shows. I don't know these people are just immature or born retarded or what (prove me wrong anyone?), but seriously, these clowns (yeah, I like to refer them as that) made me faced the dilemma of choosing between laughing my cheese off or puking my sickness off. Or both.
Take this particular clown, which me & Co. secretly nicked him as 'Big K'. Big K is an 'otaku', and when I say he's one, I mean it. Yupe, the standard typical "otaku" commonly found bathing cathode rays in front of their CRT tubes, going 'moé' over their favorites in full fetish mode. However I don't have an issue towards 'otakus' - I only have a MAJOR dislike towards Mr. Big K here. And yeah as suggested by nick, Big K is BIG in size - I doubt anything he fell on will survive the impact.
Now you'd ask why do I disliked him ? It's actually kind of none of my business, and I can easily walk away with it, but I tend to say Karma loves to hit the sweetest spots - me and him had met in several occasions, and well, he pretty much screwed himself up most of the time. Which pretty much 'entertained' me - at least I've someone as a target to snipe on.
One thing that I must admit - everytime I see him, in real life or online, it kinda turns me off. Every action, every word, everything about him, TURNS - ME - OFF. I don't know why - but some people tend to be like that. They TURN others OFF. And they ALWAYS do that. And hell, don't expect them to be the considerating type - they are very insensitive with the aftereffects of their own doings.
I know nothing about him when I first met him, but it was the second time when I started having suspicions on his personality. He inquired about someone who stalked him online - when the place he asked was merely a registration booth for the club I'm in. Me and Sig (who was also there helping at that time) looked at each other when he came up with this weird request - to us, something is so wrong about this guy. No one in the right mind will stalk this huge guy - unless the stalker's a huge-guy-fetish or, which was what we later found out to be, Big K did something to provoke the stalker.
Since then, nothing good came out from Big K. He's considered active in the IRC channel for our club, but whatever he says is PLAIN SICK. He's the only guy I knew in real life who will describe himself masturbating online. And it isn't funny at all - he's actually talking about it in front of girls.
I don't know of anything that can save him from his ignorance, stupidity or whatever you call it, but one thing is for sure - guy needs a GIANT smite on his head, preferably with something heavy and metallic.
But like it or not, me & Co. will be stuck with this screwed-up character for these couple of years. But of course, we're not going to let this clown off for anything stupid he'd cause in the future.
Hopefully when he finds this little dusty corner of mine (maybe via Google?), he's stupid enough to not know who I'm referring to. But if he does, I congratulate him - with my shoe.
goodbye and hello, in 2 weeks time
12 years ago
Wont it be a miracle if he actually starts using his brain to think maturely?
Omigosh! He actually has a brain ?! That's already considered as a miracle !!!
My belief ia that everyone has an inner child.
For Big K, his inner child just ran over mr.rationality and rule supreme in the kingdom of Common Sense.
Oops, someone commented on the wrong place. <:)
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