My head spun everytime I told my friends about the plans for the 2 month break - To take my driving test for the Ultimate Thingy - my driver's license.
Yeah, sounds odd for someone in this country to take it in the age of 20. But I felt no guilt about taking it that, uh, late, since there's no rule talking about "must obtain your driving license before age of 20".
I had my first lesson yesterday morning (my odd choice to pick a Sunday). The place is situated at a rural place an hour's drive away from home. Wasn't that bad, save that the whole thing was conducted in Malay. Luckiily my Malay hadn't rust too much after 3 years of English and Mandarin. But as true as the myth goes, the 5-hour lecture was BORING. Would have fallen asleep in the rant if not for the 20-minute break.
But heck, I'm that sort of guy who will pick on mini-tiny-puny problems on anything that has to do (and directly related, in fact) with my country or my countryfolk. And of course I couldn't avoid myself from the temptation of doing that this time. And as usual, I found at least one nail-in-the-eye without failure.
It's the book that was the pain. Yeah, the book provided by our very own Road & Transportation Department for the newbie driver's reference. The problem wasn't that obvious until I read furthur into it. Then I spotted this problem...
The exercise questions at the last section in the book. How am I suppose to solve them when the challenge in it was robbed by the very OBVIOUS HINTS given in the answer choices ?!
Q1. Blah Blah Question
A. Blah Blah Wrong Answer
B. Blah Blah Wrong Answer
C. Blah Blah Correct Answer
D. Blah Blah Wrong Answer
Ah great, there goes my chance to practice. Dammit. Why can't they do something like an answer's page instead ? Is it that costly to print our another extra page ?
Sigh... Hopefully there won't be anymore blobbers in the future. (But actually I doubted my hopes...)
goodbye and hello, in 2 weeks time
12 years ago
Hey there,
If 20 is late, I've seen ppl taking driving test when they are 30. No age limit anyway.
Hehe... reminded me of that old Undang exam. Easiest thing ever. Why do we have to take such an exam when there's no point of doing it?
Yahaha... and you thought the 5-hour lecture was boring enough, wait until you get to the exam grounds. Waited so long that my balls evolved into three. Anyway, good luck, not like you need it because it's already so easy.
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